Health education

Health education

Good news for new medical knowledge: The genetics of old men!

Dr. Chen Yuxian was selected from the BBC and JAACAP 2017.7.1.

The old father has more child prodigies?

According to a study by King's College in London, boys born to older men (about four or more years old) have more chances to be more geekier. They are smart and focused, but they don’t care about others, sometimes they take off. Preface expression or behavior. They are particularly prominent in science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

The mother's age is not affected by the son's body.

If the daughter is born, there is no such situation.

Some scientists believe that the trend of male late marriage and late childbearing seems to have the potential to create a "genius" society. This may be related to genetic mutations in older men, but such mutations may also be associated with diseases such as autism and schizophrenia in the offspring.

The interest of scientists is how to separate the bad effects by genetic engineering, leaving only good factors. As a result, it is really possible to create a "genius" society and help solve world problems that cannot be solved today.
