Medical appointment


Any secretions from the breast seven months before pregnancy are abnormal:
Some gynecological diseases have milk secretion:
Prolactin is too high
2. Endocrine disorders
3. Hypothyroidism
4. Breast tumor
5. Pituitary tumor
6. Thoracic tumors
7. Endocrine tumors
8. After thoracic surgery
9. Any scar on the chest
10. Contraceptive stimulation
11. Nipple stimulation or sucking
12. Others

The examination of milk secretion is one of the basic examinations for obstetrics and gynecology. Only doctors and patients in Taiwan are afraid of embarrassment, fear of misunderstanding or misunderstanding, and are often omitted.

Potential adverse effects of milk secretion:
1. Menstrual disorder, slow, less, or abnormal bleeding
2. Do not ovulate or ovulate unstable
3. Difficulty or infertility or difficulty in implantation
4. Habitual abortion
5. Vision vision disorders
6. Vaginal atrophy, sexual pain
7. The impact of related diseases, such as breast cancer, thyroid disease....