IVF center

IVF center

IVF center (full name: Department of National Health and Welfare artificial reproductive health department agencies since 1997)

service items:
Artificial reproduction 190401 Frozen egg second generation test tube second generation 618
Three generations of test tubes, three generations 628
Egg supply for third-party birth
[test tube baby]
Original: IVF (IVF/ET), full name: in vitro fertilization and implantation
Standard IVF Conventional IVF
Third generation IVF ICSI+PGS
Mild IVF Mild IVF
Natural IVF Natural Cycle IVF
Gamete test tube baby ZIFT
Fallopian tube implanted with TET
Gift baby GIFT
Thawed embryo implant Thawing ET
Egg Maturation IVM
[Frozen fertility preservation] Egg frozen ovary frozen sperm frozen sputum frozen embryo frozen
[Micromanipulation] Sperm microinjection ICSI
Assist in hatching AHA
Partially transparent tape cut PZD
Embryo slice Embryo Biopsy
Splitting section trophoblast sliced egg polar body slice Polar Body Biopsy
[Laser] Laser assisted in hatching AHA
Laser partial transparent strip cut PZD
Laser Embryo Slice Embryo Biopsy
Laser blastocyst shrinks Blastocyst Shrinkage
[fertility surgery] Deputy deputy MESA
Plastic surgery Tuboplasty
Minimally Invasive Laparoscopy
Single port minimally invasive Single Port Laparoscopy
Endometrial Biopsy
[gene diagnosis] Preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD
Preimplantation chromosome diagnosis PGS
Egg Body Slice Chromosome Diagnosis Polar Body Biopsy PGS
Gender Selection Gender Selection is limited to avoiding a disease associated with a disease.
[Male infertility]
Dr. Wang Songgui
Sexual dysfunction excludes vasectomy plastic surgery Sperm surgery & microinjection Sperm Retrieval & ICSI
Sperm Bank
[other] Natural Cycle Predicted Natural Coitus
Ovulation tracking cycle Timing Coitus
Ovulation drug cycle Stimulated Coitus
Simple Artificial Insemination IUI (AIH) (AID)
Endometrial ectopic drug therapy / surgical treatment of fallopian tube photography, room test, internal medicine immunoassay & treatment:
Habitual abortion test & treatment repetitive implantation failure test & treatment