

(本网页参考及摘译自妇科教科书Novack's Gynecoloy 13rd Ed.第11章) 性是每位女人一生中重要完整的一部份. Sexuality is an important and integral part of every woman's life. 自青春期到更年期,对于性的问题及关心跨越了女人一生. Questions and concerns about sexuality span a woman's entire lifetime, from questions about puberty to concerns about change in sexual function with menopause and aging. 妇产科医师身为女性健康照护提供者,应例行在女性健康评估中包含性生活史. The obstetrician-gynecologist, as a primary health care provider for women, should include a sexual history as a routine part of a woman's periodic health assessment. 一般民众对于性的关心是常见的. 调查显示三分之二受调女性关心性事. 三分之一女性性趣缺缺. 20%认为性不总是乐趣. 15%有过性交疼痛. 50%经历过困难唤起性趣. 50 %困难达到高潮. 25%无法达到高潮. 尽管性事对于女性健康 多么重要,很多女性发现向她们的妇产科医师谈论性事问题是很难启齿的,很多医师也在和病患讨论性事的问题时很不自在. Despite the importance of these issue to their health care , many women find it difficult to talk to their physicians about sexual concerns, and many physicians are uncomfortable discussing sexual issues with their patients. 71%的成人认为医​​师会不理会她可能提出的性事问题, 68%认为讨论性事问题会让医师困窘.从基层医师的调查发现少于50%会询问初诊病患性生活史,很多医师谬误地用婚姻职业年纪种族社会经济阶层来判断病患的性生活史. 询问性生活史,让医师有机会教育病患如何预防性病,如何做好安全性行为,评估避孕方法的采用,破除错误的迷信与迷思. Asking about sexual concerns gives physicians an opportuniy to educate patients about the risk for sexually transmitted infections( STIs), counsel patients about safe sex practices, evaluate patients' need for contraception, and dispel sexual myths and misconceptions. 进一步,病患得到允许在专业隐密及无批判的环境下谈论性事问题.即使最初病患觉得讨论这么敏 思密的事令她不舒服不自在,但她知道将来若有这方面问题时,医师的态度是包容接受的. Even if patients are initially uncomfortalble discussing these senstive and private issues,
Sexual practices 性活动情形 初次年龄,性伴侣数,使用保险套,频率,满意度,同/双性恋,性交方式,忠诚度
Sexual Response Cycle反应周期 渴望Desire phase, 兴奋Arousal phase, 高潮Orgasm phase, 消散Resolution phase
影响因子 年龄,药物,疾病,性功能障碍,冷感症,高潮障碍,性痉挛,性交痛,
Sex Assault Childhood, Rape
性传染性疾病(STIs) 爱滋病,梅毒,BC肝炎,HPV人类乳突病毒,披衣菌,淋病,巨细胞病毒,.............
肿瘤Neoplasms 子宫颈癌,摄护腺癌,直肠肛门癌,肝癌,Kaposi sarcoma,Non-Hodgkin lymphoma .......
性伴侣数若= 0 在台湾,除非病情需要,而且病患书面同意,尽量避免内诊及阴道超音波,以免处女膜破损